What Men Want - Chapter 34

Dream becomes reality

He suckled one nipple, using his tongue to press it against the roof of his mouth, while he palmed her other breast roughly in his hand, her puckered nipple teasing his palm.

She felt, she tasted so good that words could never describe it.

“Try,” she whispered, arching her back, her fingers clutched in his hair.

It’s bad manners to talk with your mouth full, he thought back, making her giggle. Well, this mind reading of hers sure had its uses.

He switched sides, suckling the other nipple while playing with the one he’d just abandoned with his fingers. Damn, but she felt good writhing against him. How much better would it be if he were...He quickly tried to squelch the thought, but it was too late; her fingers had already untangled the sheet from around his waist, letting it drop.

He stilled in his ministrations and waited with bated breath. Then her fingers, trembling and hesitant, were there, around his cock. He saw stars.

“It’s so big,” she whispered, half-awe, half apprehension in her voice, making his knees tremble.

She made a fist around him and experimentally ran it from root to tip, tightening her grip on the second pass.

Cursing her sudden insight into his mind, he grabbed her wrist, gritting his teeth at the agony of stopping her.

“What is it?” she asked, her voice trembling. “I’m not doing it right?”

He glared down at her. “You’re doing everything right, and you know it,” he growled. “But it’s not time for that yet.”

He dropped onto his knees, pressed a quick kiss onto her belly, then nosed down. The scent hit him when he was barely at the waistband of her panties. He groaned. She was wet.

He started slowly peeling off her panties, gritting his teeth. They looked soaked through.

Her hands on his wrists stopped him before he uncovered her fully.

He looked up. Her cheeks were flaming, but she met his gaze squarely. The look in her eyes pulled at his heartstrings. The gentlemanly thing to do would be to stop, take it slow—anything but what he was doing. But he was no gentleman, and he was too far gone to take it slow. And stopping fully would probably kill him.

“Trust me,” he murmured, trying to blanket his X-rated thoughts, even though the scent of her wet sex was wreaking havoc on his senses and on his control.

Please, trust me. Please, don’t push me away.

Her eyes swimming with sudden, yet unshed tears, she brushed her fingers down his cheek. Then she swallowed and nodded.

He quickly peeled the last barrier between him and her sex off and, eyes on hers, tasted her for the first time. She flinched at the first flick of his tongue against her, moaned at the second, and her head dropped back, her eyes closed, as he teased her clit. Then her unique, tangy flavor hit the back of his throat, and he groaned as his own eyelids dropped.

You taste so fucking good.

Using his thumbs, he spread her labia and feasted.

Soon, she was clutching at his hair, her nails biting into his scalp, but it still wasn’t enough.

On a frustrated growl, he pulled her left leg over his shoulder, spreading her even more, giving himself better, deeper access. Alternating deeper swirls of his tongue with teasing flicks, he sucked her clit into his mouth with each upward stroke of his tongue.

He was at serious risk of going bald if she continued pulling at his hair, but he never relented.

Her thighs were trembling on either side of his face; guttural moans escaped her, but he wasn’t finished. He latched onto her clit with his lips while slowly pushing one finger inside her. She clamped onto it like a vise, and he could feel her spasm gently.

He released her clit and slipped his finger out of her, grinning at her protesting mewl, at the sting of her nails against his head.

She was close. She was so close.

“Ryo,” she whimpered, her voice breaking. “Please.”

Eyes on her, he pushed two fingers into her, gritting his teeth at the tight squeeze of her inner muscles. With a grimace and a curse, he quickly gripped the root of his cock as it threatened to explode. It wouldn’t do to embarrass himself. And the only way he was coming tonight was inside her.

He breathed deeply, pumping his fingers shallowly inside her, drinking her in as her head once more fell back. She was beautiful with her cheeks, neck, and upper chest flushed pink, her nipples proudly puckered, and her back slightly arched. And she felt amazing as she trembled around him, drenching his fingers with each deep spasm.

Scissoring his fingers, he delved them a little deeper and suckled her clit back into his mouth, grinning against her folds as she gave off a keening cry and her knee buckled.

Holding her up, holding her to him, he petted her, licked, and kissed until her spasms subsided, enjoying her soft cries and moans. He couldn’t wait to hear her moan into his ear.

Once she quieted, he nuzzled the inside of her thigh, sat back into his heels, and gathered her into his arms as she slid down the wall, no longer supported by his body.

She cupped his cheeks, staring at him with eyes filled with wonder. “I never thought it could be like this,” she breathed.

He smiled, running his fingers up and down her spine. “Like what?”

“Perfect,” she sighed and kissed him.

As the tip of her tongue slipped into his mouth and brushed against his in gentle exploration, it was all he could do not to pull her fully down onto his lap and finish it then and there. Yet, despite his efforts, his body wouldn’t be denied, and the tip of his cock was tucked between her swollen folds before he could stop himself.

She moaned appreciatively and wiggled closer, almost making his eyes cross. He clamped his hands on her waist to stop her.

“Why?” she whispered as she broke the kiss. “You’re still—” She blushed prettily, then cleared her throat. “You’re in pain, Ryo,” she murmured, brushing her fingers down his cheek. “Let me ease it.”

Okay, it was official. He wouldn’t make it through the night. But what a way to go.

She leaned her forehead against his, smiling. “Don’t think I’m letting you go that easily, mister.”

“My champion.” He kissed the tip of her nose. “I love you,” he whispered, watching as her eyes filled with tears.

“I love you, too,” she replied softly, brushing her lips against his.

Capturing her mouth more fully, effectively taking over the kiss, he tucked her legs around his waist and rose with her in his arms, making sure his cock didn’t brush against her. They would be taking this nice and slow. He’d be damned if he hurt her.

“You won’t,” she vowed as he laid her gently down on his bed.

“Let’s make sure of that, shall we?”

Disentangling her legs from around his waist, he knelt on the bed and pumped his hand once, twice along his cock, reciting specs for the latest Ruger assault rifle. He needed to calm down, which meant thinking of anything else but the delectable female body in front of him that was finally his for the taking.

“Keep that up, and I’ll get a big head,” she warned him, an impish smile playing on her lips.

He grinned back. “We wouldn’t want that, would we? Come here,” he growled, and, hands on her hips, he pulled her toward him.

When her buttocks hit his knees, she blushed furiously, but, eyes locked with his, spread her legs, lifting her knees onto his flanks in invitation.

He groaned and, gripping his cock in a tight fist, brushed the tip slowly against her folds. “If I hurt you, tell me to stop.”

“You won’t,” she repeated vehemently. “And I’m not made of glass, I won’t break.”

I might.

Then, sending up a prayer just in case, he nudged inside her, cursing as her inner muscles resisted his invasion.

“Fuck, you’re tight.”

“Oh, my.” She bit her lip.

He tucked one calf around his waist and lifted her other leg, so her knee was draped over his forearm, spreading her legs further. Then he slipped inside her again, breathing a sigh of relief as he slid in deeper than before.

She scrunched her forehead as if in protest as he withdrew and moaned as he pushed into her again. He repeated the shallow thrusts and withdrawals over and over, stretching her more and more each time, until he was covered in sweat, his entire body trembling with need.

Moans and whimpers escaped her lips on ragged breaths, but her eyes were focused on the point where their bodies met and separated, his cock glistening with her juices.

“Ryo,” she panted. “I can’t take this anymore. Do something.”

His control in tatters, unable to hold on anymore, he thrust into her to the hilt, groaning at the feel of her. Tight as a fist. Hot. Wet.

Her swift intake of air was like a bucket of ice water on his feverish skin. “Shit. Did I hurt you?”

“No.” She breathed in shallow pants. “No. I just—”

“You’re in pain.” He started to withdraw, but her nails digging into his shoulders, the tightening of her thigh around his waist stopped him.

“Don’t you dare!” she snapped. “You didn’t hurt me, you dolt. You’re just big, I need to get used to it, that’s all.”

He snuggled back into her heat, dropped his forehead against hers, watching her, trying to discern whether she was telling him the truth, which quickly resulted in her smacking him upside the head.

Then she wiggled, and he could swear he saw stars.

“Don’t,” he groaned. “For Christ’s sake, don’t move.”

“I just wanted to let you know I’m used to it.” She blinked innocently up at him, not in the least convincing. “So what happens now?”

He closed his eyes, gathering the last vestiges of his control, then kissed her. Hard. “Now you hold on.”

Then he was moving with long, deep thrusts, her snug, slippery grip driving him inexorably close to the edge. He tried reciting gun specs, tried to relax, tried to find an easy rhythm, but she felt too fucking good.

He knew he was fighting a losing battle, so he scooted a little higher above her, changing the angle of his penetration, so the root of his cock hit her clit with each thrust, while keeping his eyes open, focused on her face, focused on her.

Her lips were parted, forming an ‘o’ of disbelief, of wonder, and she moaned in the tempo of his thrusts. Just as he was afraid he’d lose the battle, her eyes slid closed, the tendons of her neck stood out, and she arched her back, letting out a long wail as her snug channel clamped around him like a vise.

“That’s it, baby,” he groaned, thrusting into her to the hilt again, grinding himself against her clit, drawing out her pleasure. “That’s it.”

Then, control snapping, he shifted his pace, lost his rhythm. His hips a piston, his thrusts fast and hard, he let himself go, drenched in pleasure, in need of her.

She clutched at his shoulders, her muscles clamping around him greedily as her spasms started building anew. Her soft scream, as she crested the second time, was sweet music to his ears as he felt his balls draw tight.

The shudder began in his toes, spreading like molten lava through his body. He thrust once, twice, and ground against her as he let himself go, spent his very soul inside her on a deep groan.

He collapsed on top of her, his hips still thrusting shallowly, breathing ragged, heart racing from an orgasm that had nearly split him in two.

Then he felt her arms and legs tighten around him, her lips against the crown of his head, and he smiled, sighing softly.

Before exhaustion took him, he thought of having to move, that he was too heavy, but she tunneled her fingers into his hair and shushed him softly. Nuzzling her throat, content and sated, Ryo closed his eyes.


The person standing at the other side of Saeba’s bedroom door clenched their fists, body trembling with rage. What sort of bodyguard was Saeba to leave his charge unprotected as he fucked his bitch of an assistant?

A bad one.

Drawing in a calming breath, rage replaced by steely determination, the shadowy figure slowly made their way down the stairs and toward the guest bedroom.

There was work to be done.


  1. Anonymous3/8/24 19:09

    Yes yes. Yes, this chapter is way too good and finally! I thought Ryo’s fantasies were hot but this is beyond. And I think it is because you’ve really put in Ryo and Kaoris feelings and emotions in there. They’re not f*^%ing; they are making love. :) and an awesome plot cliff hanger with the mystery at the end!

  2. Holy mokkori, Batman! That was so hot. Yet poignant.
    WIth a cold shower ending with the creepy figure on the other side of the door. So you.

  3. This chapter is so well written superlatives elude me.
    An immersive experience that on one hand made me blush, swallow and reach for a cold beverage and on the other made me want to look away as if I was intruding in an incredibly intimate moment between two lovers. Which I guess I was.
    As Unknown said before me, it went beyond mere sex. They weren't f***ing, it was pure lovemaking with Ryo holding onto his control for dear life in order to make it as perfect as possible for her and for him as well.
    Loved it.

    The cliffhanger in the end wasn't needed at all, but its addition perfectly illustrates the reality of life. You can't have nice things without some darkness thrown in.

  4. Swoon. Is it hot in here or is it just me?

    And then the sucker punch of a cliffhanger.

  5. I've been offline for a while and this was the best ever welcome back "gift" ever.
    As many before me commented, I also felt like I was intruding on a really intimate moment. It was sweet, tender, intense...a first time for the ages. Just what I've come to expect from you as a writer and what I would expect and want for one of my favorite fictional couples.

    I didn't much care for the last few sentences, but the plot must move forward.
