Completed Fanfiction
Here are stored the fanfics I've managed to complete. (Yay, me!)
(They're listed in 'order of completion', with the latest completed story on top.)
In order to keep the site "in order", I also decided to sort them by length; One-shots (only one chapter per story), short fics (a story of at least 10 chapters), and long fics (more than 10 chapters per story—unfortunately these comprise the most of my "writing opus", since I can't seem to keep anything short)
What Men Want
(City Hunter fanfiction)
(A/N: This story has its own story. I began to write it as a challenge fic back in 2007 and effectively stopped at chapter 25 a few months later. It stayed in limbo for a decade until I dreamed of every single detail of the unwritten part of it and decided to resurrect it. It's been a chore, but I'm so damn happy I finished it.)
A Musketeer's Heart
(Musketeers fanfiction)
Letting Go
(Arrow fanfiction)
Picking Up the Pieces
(NCIS fanfiction)
Crash and Burn
(Hawaii Five-0 fanfiction)
But these two new arrivals might shake up more than just the investigation... (Word count: 70,176)
What Goes Around...Comes Around
(City Hunter fanfiction)
Knowing what she's dealing with, Kaori comes up with an almost fool-proof solution to get Mick to focus on the job instead on the distractions "offered" at Hazuki's gym...And Ryo learns the hard way that Karma truly is a bitch. (Word count: 9,631)
(A/N: This story was cooked up after a re-read of the series and the acute rage Ryo's actions in volume 31, as Kaori develops her temporary amnesia, provoked. I thought it would be a hoot if he got a taste of his own medicine.)
One Enchanted Evening
(City Hunter fanfiction)
(A/N: This was supposed to be one of the Vignettes stories, but it turned out longer than I expected—which is a rather common occurrence in my writing—so I decided to post it as a separate story. Don't worry, it's just two chapters long. It might be a little OOC, though.)
The Most Beautiful Day of My Life
(City Hunter fanfiction)
(A/N: This fanfiction was created (way back in 2005) in response to a challenge. I had to create a story around Ryo and Kaori's wedding, or decision to get married, and incorporate some action and a tragedy or two, and to make the reader laugh and cry.)
Hell Hath No Fury
(Arrow fanfiction)
Slade Wilson has only one reason for being in Starling City—to bring down his former friend, Oliver Queen. Unfortunately, the corruption of the person Oliver loves most goes terribly awry. (Word count: 9,833)
(A/N: After watching episode 2x09, I was struck with the image of how I'd like the Slade Wilson arc to end. Or more importantly, whom I'd like to end the Slade Wilson arc.)
Ever After
(Thor fanfiction)A usually perfect day in Valhalla takes a (welcome) twist. (Word count: 2,306)
Vignettes of life
(City Hunter fanfiction)
(Veronica Mars fanfiction)A year after the events in Season 4, Veronica is traveling the world, while she's waiting for answers as to what really happened when the last bomb went off. (Word count: 3,623)
(A/N: This story contains the spoiler about the end of Season 4 of Veronica Mars. If you haven't seen the last season yet, read at your own discretion.
I proudly admit to being a LoVe shipper, because we're talking about a fictitious relationship and not real life, so get off my back about it, if you're bothered by it. And since I'm a LoVe shipper, for all possible re-watches, Season 4 officially ends 10 minutes early. Because they both deserve it. And because they both deserve it, I wrote this story. This might not be the story I supposedly "need", but it sure as heck the one I "want", so I fixed it.)
Return From Hell
(City Hunter fanfiction)Ryo's short return to the jungle makes him think about his feelings toward Kaori, and helps him make an important decision regarding their relationship. (Word count: 1,838)